Wellness Beets Episode #38: Sugar and the Holidays, Energy Robbers, and The Art of Pampering

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Brittany talks all about her Local Eats Project and how she’s going to be posting 1 recipe per month made out of local foods; she asks everyone who wants to join her to do so! Use the hashtag #localeatsproject on social media to follow along.  Brittany is also doing the 21 Day Sugar Detox/Whole 30 starting on November 30th. She’ll be doing an periscope and Instagram post each day on the topic.

Alex talks about finishing up the Toxic Home Makeover and the new Skin Care Guide her and Megan of GingerNewtrition have coming up. She also talks about her upcoming Periscope series (her handle is @digprimal over there) and how people can benefit from all that information.


We talk about how we deal with extra temptations and indulgences in the holidays. We talk about abstaining, minimizing, and picking healthier options and how you can change between these choices throughout the season! We also discuss the benefits of focusing on making connections and being close with family and friends throughout the season…and why that can be better for your health than choosing stricter lifestyle choices.

Choffee Recipe


We talk about common energy robbers present at all times but often get worse with the holidays with visiting family, setting traditions, and your own obligations.  We talk about identifying, eliminating, and modifying energy robbers. We also talking about taking time to do these activities and then checking in with yourself over the course of the holidays (or in general). Brittany additionally discusses setting boundaries and sticking to them.


We get into how we feel about the importance of taking care of yourself and setting aside time to pamper yourself silly.  We talk about the health benefits of this as well as how recharging it can be so that we can be our best for the loved ones in our lives. We share our favorite pampering activities, such as spa days (like this bentonite clay mask and revitalizing scalp treatments), dinners out, and curling up by a heat source with a book.

We love questions! Send us yours at [email protected]

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