Guest Post: Nutrient Rich Paleo by Alex of Dig Primal

I’m so thrilled to share a fabulously informative article by my friend Alex of!  Alex is an active food DIY-er with a nutrient rich paleo approach. As an anesthesiology resident, she taps into her science knowledge to create helpful resources for others wanting to get to the root of their health problems. Alex shares her real food recipes and insights for natural living.

In this article Alex gets down to the diet principles and answers many questions people often have when they hear paleo. I love her approach to diet as a lifestyle, focusing on the whole body. Every single body is different and we all have to do what makes us feel our best.

What is (Nutrient Rich) Paleo?

I love paleo. But I think it can get a bit confusing.   Do you eat grass fed dairy or not? Do you include certain legumes in your diet or not?  Is eating paleo synonymous with eating a high-protein or low-carb diet?  And is there even  a “right” way of doing it at all?

What follows is my explanation for how I think about paleo and how I subsequently use these principles to make lifestyle and dietary decisions.   

The fundamental principle is that I focus on nutrient density to guide my food choices and focus on living a lifestyle that augments—and doesn’t deplete—that baseline of health.  With this basic concept in mind, I think the details end up being relatively straightforward.


Paleo As A Lifestyle:

My understanding of paleo is that it is a lifestyle…that means you do it in such a way that you could happily do it for the rest of your foreseeable future.

That means there’s absolutely no starvation, deprivation, calorie-counting, or “dieting” that takes place. Sure, the idea is that you change your food choices to be healthier but it’s also perfectly acceptable to allow for the things you want as well.

As an exercise, try googling “paleo pizza”. You’ll see countless versions of pizza to make at home. Not in a cooking mood? There are store-bought and restaurant-made paleo-like versions you can buy.  Let’s say you decide that you need to indulge in regular ol’ pizza once every so often to be able to stick with paleo the other 99% of the time.  Then let me emphatically say that doing that doesn’t make you “not paleo” or “not a good paleo-er” (insert whatever guilt-ridden-diet-following-mumbo-jumbo you or anyone else is trying to say).  In a world of crash-dieting and 100 calorie snack packs, I think a long term outlook on health—even with some imperfections—is a beautiful thing.

The mind frame in paleo, in my opinion, is to do away with the emotional rollercoaster so often seen accompanying contemporary “diets” and to focus on fueling your body with the most nutrient-rich foods you can get your hands on.  Learning exactly what that means for your mind and body lies at the heart of this wonderful journey of living paleo!

With all that said, I’d like to delve into the nitty-gritty by discussing everything that you CAN (and are encouraged to) eat.

“Yes” (Please!) Foods:

1. All vegetables.  With all the vitamins and minerals present along with minimal anti-nutrients (aka: compounds that make the vitamins and minerals in some foods less bio-available to you) make pretty much all veggies a go for a lot of people.  As with all foods, however, there is the potential for someone to have more specific sensitivities to certain vegetables.  Vegetable sensitivities are a more “advanced” paleo topic, however, so we’ll leave that discussion for another day…if you’re curious in the meantime, The Paleo Mom has great scientific articles on the subject.

2.  All fruit.  Fruit can be a huge help when someone is switching from a Standard American Diet to the paleo because fruit can really offset sugar cravings while providing you with beneficial vitamins and minerals.  While you’ll occasionally see discussions in the paleo world about how much fruit is ok to eat, my take on the matter is that you can partake in nearly unlimited fruit as long as you don’t have blood sugar regulation problems and don’t allow your fruit intake to displace other healthy food choices.

3.  Muscle meats from healthy animals fed their appropriate diet is the paleo ideal.  Scientifically, it’s been shown that grass-fed beef/bison and pasture-raised pork/chicken/turkeys have higher levels of Vitamins A, D, K2 as well as CLA…these are all things we need to build healthy bodies and to further absorb the nutrients we eat.  However, conventionally raised meats also contain these beneficial compounds (albeit at a lower concentration) so if there’s a choice between eating conventional meats or no meat at all, I’ll always choose the former.  There are real considerations, such as price and availability, that can make getting grass-fed meat more difficult…the best thing to do is to make the best choices you can and relax about what you can’t change.

4.  Organ meats from healthy animals fed their appropriate diets.  Organ meats are starting to be discussed more and more in the paleo community but even now, they are severely undervalued nutritional options.  Organs perform all the functions that animals need to live (including humans!).  To make these functions occur, animals need cofactors…and this almost always means a vitamin or mineral.  It makes sense then that organ meats contain the highest quantities of vitamins and minerals in an animal and we can reap all those benefits by eating organs such as liver, heart, kidneys, etc.  I know, I know, this isn’t something we’re used to but it’s definitely something that grows on you.  Don’t worry, eating organ means doesn’t mean you have to deal with the “ick-factor”…I often buy my ground offal in a nicely packaged container just like all my other meats.  Best of all, you can find countless recipes on the internet of how to prepare organ meats (and even recipes that disguise the taste for those who don’t like the idea!) that make eating organ meats positively delicious.  I personally love liver, so I make it at home for myself like this.  (That post also goes into detail on how I hide it from my liver-texture-hating husband.) 

5.  Bone broth is constantly discussed in the paleo diet for good reason: animal bones are a reservoir of nutrients and vitamins and, just like in organ meats, there are easy and delicious ways to incorporate all those health benefits into your life.  It would take paragraphs to describe all the reasons you should be drinking bone broth so I’ll refer to this well-written article by The Paleo Mom again.  Bone broth is so amazing and yummy that you’ll be hard-pressed to find a paleo blog that doesn’t include their method for making it…here’s mine!

6.  Fermented foods are a staple in most paleo kitchens.  They provide you with beneficial probiotics and enzymes while the process of fermentation allows the vitamins and minerals to become more bio-available (read: easier to absorb).  There are tons of choices out there, depending on your taste buds and your food tolerances.  Most people are able to enjoy sauerkraut, kimchi, coconut milk kefirwater kefirginger ale, and kombucha.  For those of your who decide/have decided to incorporate dairy into your paleo choices, cow/goat milk kefir can be a delicious way to get in your fermented foods.

7.  There is a great deal of variation on the approach to dairy in the paleo world.  Some people are so intolerant to dairy (lactose intolerance, casein intolerance) that they choose not to use any forms of dairy at all.  Others choose to include forms of dairy that are less likely to be allergenic…this includes butter, ghee, and heavy cream.  The last camp of people are usually people who have determined that they see no ill effects of eating dairy and therefore include butter, ghee, heavy cream, as well as minimally-processed whole milk (goat being easier to digest than cow milk).  Almost everyone who includes dairy in their diets agrees that getting products from grass-fed, happy cows is the best but, as with the meats above, it’s important to do the best you can and don’t sweat the rest.

8.  Seafood—both fish and shell-fish—is loaded with nutritional goodness. Seafood can provide you healthy fats, omega 3’s, selenium, iodine, and incredibly bio-available forms of protein.  If you eat fish with bones in them (sardines, canned salmon), you’ll be getting all the benefits you get from bone broth in the fish too!  Opinions differ but most people agree that wild-caught fish has the highest mineral, vitamin value while avoiding the contamination you can find in conventional fish.

9.  Nuts and seeds are considered to be good additions to a paleo way of eating…as long as they’re enjoyed in moderation.  Reasons for keeping nuts in moderation in the diet includes a discussion about optimal fatty acid ratios and anti-nutrient considerations.  Some people choose to omit nuts and seeds entirely and compensate by focusing on other sources of healthy fats and nutrients.

10.  One thing that sets the paleo lifestyle from other modern philosophies is the strong focus on including high-quality fats in the diet.  The main theory behind not avoiding fats is that the paleo lifestyle tends to be low-inflammatory which greatly lowers the opportunity for plaque (cholesterol) accumulation in the arteries, not to mention that heat stable fats are less likely to be oxidized into particles that build up in the arteries.  Nearly all types of high quality fats are included in paleo, including “ancestral” fats such as lard and tallow.  If you’re new to incorporating fats into your meals, may I suggest frying up some bacon and sauteing veggies in the bacon fat (yum!).

“Yes” Activities; Beyond The Food:

Now that we’ve figured out all the things you can eat, let’s return to the idea that paleo is a “lifestyle” and not simply a diet.  While we do talk about food an awful lot in this space, referring to paleo as a lifestyle also implies that what you do outside of the kitchen really matters.   You’ll notice that there’s a lot of talk in the paleo-sphere about getting outside, living an active lifestyle, and building good support systems.  

Intuitively, it makes sense that our bodies can’t be expected to function well in isolation to everything that surrounds us.  Scientifically, there is much supporting evidence that our hormonal milieu (melatonin, leptin, ghrelin, insulin, and so on!) is strongly dependent on our movement, interaction with the sun, and—maybe most importantly—our emotional status.  Whatever your motivation is for following such advice, I truly appreciate being a community where I am continuously reminded to consider and examine all aspects of my life, not just what I put in my mouth.

Finally, let’s cover what we choose not to include in the paleo way of eating.  I dislike paleo descriptions that start by giving you big list of things not to eat and send you on your way…but since we’ve established all the wonderful things you can eat, however, we can get on to this last part.

“No” (Thank You!) Foods: 

1. Nearly everyone in the paleo community will choose not to eat gluten-containing grains (wheat, barley, rye, etc).  While “gluten” has become a popular, well-known term, it is just one of the compounds in certain grains that act as anti-nutrients…these compounds resist degradation in your digestive tract and block the absorption of other vitamins and minerals in your gut.  An easy way to think about it is to consider how grains disseminate their fruit.  Animals eat grains and the “dispose” of them at another location…it is the intention of grains to pass through the digestive tract intact so that they can grow at this new spot.  It is not so much that grains are “bad” then but it’s simply that we are able to get all the nutrients they contain more easily from a variety of other foods (see “yes” foods above!).  (Please note that this is just one simple way of describing the problems with grains…I could also mention that they are a commonly cited culprit in food intolerances and can increase inflammation in the body.)

2. Some people in the paleo-sphere choose not to eat any grains at all while others occasionally partake of gluten-free grains such as rice, quinoa, and buckwheat.  This choice, like dairy, simply depends on your level of sensitivities.  Still, they aren’t the most nutrient dense food choices you can make and to make them healthier requires some work (check out how I prepare my rice in bone broth and sprout buckwheat).

3.  Legumes have similar anti-nutrient considerations as gluten-containing grains…they are simply difficult for the human body to digest and there are better ways to get the same nutrients.  Personally, I do treat legumes that you can eat with the skin (like peas and green beans) differently than ones you can’t because nutritionally, I believe they are more similar to nuts and seeds.

4. Paleo folks tend to avoid damaged fats.  This usually means that they use heat-stable fats for cooking (coconut oil, butter, ghee, bacon grease, duck fat, tallow, lard…anything solid at room temperature) and the rest for preparing food that won’t get heated (olive or sunflower oil on salads, etc.) so that the non-heat-stable oils won’t get oxidized.   This is very hard to do when eating out since most restaurants tend to cook with oils like canola oil (liquid at room temperature).  The frequency that you choose to expose yourself in this is up to you, but it’s just an important fact to realize.

5.  Low fat dairy is not often seen included in paleo food lists.  This is because the fat in dairy contains Vitamins A, D and K2…these are compounds that are needed to be able to absorb and utilize calcium you would potentially get from the dairy products.  Without them, you’re not likely to get much from those dairy products besides caloric intake.

6.  Processed sugars are generally avoided in paleo.  Eating whole, minimally-processed foods generally helps minimize sugar intake drastically and becoming nutrient sufficient through proper nutrition goes a long way for diminishing sugar cravings.  Addicted to sugar? I sure was.  Be patient with yourself…habits and nutrient statuses don’t change over night.

Lastly, let’s cover lifestyle choices we try to avoid when embracing paleo.

“No” Activities:

Doing the opposite of the activities we covered in the “yes” section–staying up too late, not being active, stressing out–has the potential to negate some of the benefits of the great food choices you make.  This is because these activities can cause the disregulation of hormones that govern energy levels, satiety, and proper cell signaling (especially when it comes to gastrointestinal tract mucosal cells and immune cells).

Moving On:

As you can see, there’s a lot to nutrient-rich paleo! But in the end, it’s really just about enjoying your life and fueling your body with the most nutrient-dense foods available to you.

My version of paleo looks like this…what will yours look like?

6 Tasty Sardine Recipes

It’s not easy getting enough omega 3s in your diet. Fish contains the highest amounts and we should be consuming at least three 4-oz. portions of oily fish per week. That’s a lot of fish! If we want to keep our omega 3 to omega 6 ratio balanced though, there is no easier way to do it. I wrote about the importance of this balancing act for combating inflammation in a previous article.

Goodbye inflammation, hello sardines! Sardines contain more omega 3s than almost any other fish. These tiny fish pack in the nutrition. One of the very few natural sources of vitamin D, high in vitamin B12, selenium, calcium, Coenzyme Q10, iron, taurine, and protein, sardines are proven to aid in a healthy body. They’re been shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, alleviate arthritis symptoms, slow the growth rates of cancer cells, and even help battle depression. Pregnant women should up their intake during the later stages of pregnancy. An increase in omega 3s is required for fetal brain and central nervous system growth. Little fish equals big benefits.

Mercury risk is much less of a concern too. Their small size and short life spans prevent them from accumulating high levels of mercury.

1 Can of Sardines Contains
omega               3 1.3g
protein              24g
vitamin D         172g
vitamin B12      8.2g
calcium             214g
iron                    2.05g

When I mention sardines, I watch as friends scrunch up their nose in auto response. I ate them all the time as a kid. Granted, as I’ve mentioned before I had quite the palate for a five year old. I refused the kid’s menu and would beg my parents for raw oysters. So naturally sardines were a favorite. The only thing I loved more was canned smoked oysters. Y.U.M.

Now I know, they’re not in most people’s palate, so I put together a list of delicious recipes for entry-level sardine eating. Even if you have to get out the old school clothes pin for your nose, do it. Your body is thanking you already. You can easily mask the fishy flavor by covering them in sauce or mashing them into a salad dressing.

Buy Wild Caught
I eat Wild Planet Sardines in Extra Virgin Olive Oil. All of Wild Planet’s seafood is sustainably sourced and is approved by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch® Program. For sardines, they only source them from the Pacific Ocean, specifically near California and Japan. Ones from the Atlantic are now at risk from over-fishing. Since sardines grow to reproductive maturity in 1 to 2 years, they are less at risk of over-fishing than the larger game such as tuna, which does not mature until 8 years.

Show some sardine love.


Photo by

Lemon-Herb Sardine Salad by Whole Living

Grain Free Sardine Fish Cakes by Ditch the Wheat

Photo by
Photo by theprimitivehomemaker
Photo by
Photo by



Avocado & Sardine Tapenade (AIP) by The Primitive Homemaker






Sardines Forshmak Deconstructed Salad by Eat Drink Paleo





Paleo Stuffed Avocado by Keto Diet App


Sardines in Spicy Moroccan Tomato Sauce

Sardines in Spicy Moroccan Tomato Sauce
Makes 2 servings.

½ cup onion – chopped
2 garlic cloves – minced
1 tbsp coconut oil
2 cups chopped tomatoes or 1 can diced tomatoes
1 tsp chili powder
½ tsp ground cumin
1 bay leaf
pinch of red pepper flakes
¼ tsp salt
½ cup black olives – pitted and halved
2 cans sardines

►Saute onion and garlic in coconut oil over medium heat for 3 minutes until onions become translucent. Reduce heat to low and stir in tomatoes, all spices and black olives. Saute together for 5 minutes.
►Gently place the sardines in the pan. Scoop up the sauce and pour over each fish. Only cook 1 or 2 minutes then serve immediately. Make sure to remove the boy leaf before eating!
►Serve with salad greens and top with a drizzle of olive oil.

Sardines in Spicy Moroccan Tomato Sauce
Sardines in Spicy Moroccan Tomato Sauce

How much omega-3 is enough? That depends on omega-6.

Pacific Sardines,,%20Pacific

Atlantic Sardines,,%20Pacific

USDA Sardine Nutritional Profile,

Fish and healthy pregnancy: more than just a red herring!

The influence of sardine consumption on the omega-3 fatty acid content of mature human milk.

Finding Calm in Magnesium


“It’s the most, wonderful time of the year!” Christmas songs will be ringing through my ears from now until New Years Day. They bring me a big, fat bowl of J-O-Y. Yet, I also lean on these tunes for emotional support and to help guide my mood. Type A during the holidays means creating dozens of DIY decorations, entertaining multiple times throughout the month, cooking exceptional meals, selecting the perfect presents and baking holiday treats for everyone I know. That’s quite the exhaustive list! So the songs tell me to be merry while I accomplish each item.

Merry for 30 days straight isn’t realistic. Relaxation must squeeze into the schedule if I want to make it through a sane person. Magnesium may be just the thing to help.

Epsom Salt
Magnesium Deficiency & Anxiety

Multiple studies have found a direct correlation between anxiety and magnesium deficiency. A higher dietary magnesium intake reduces stress levels and decreases chances of depression.  Over 6 million Americans suffer from an anxiety disorder, and those are just diagnosed cases. As magnesium decreases in the body, anxiety increases. In a Norway study of 5,700 adults, those with low magnesium were at higher risk of depressive disorders. We all know our society breeds stress with our go-go-go lifestyles. The American diet is also a cause for the increasing stress levels.

Today’s popular diet of calcium rich foods, high amounts of sugar and alcohol are working against us. We’re told to take extra doses of calcium but we need magnesium if we want to absorb it. Our bodies retain calcium better than magnesium so it’s important to regularly replenish those supplies. When we consume large amounts of sugar and alcohol, magnesium is needed to flush it through our systems and then the magnesium is excreted through the urine. Calcium is stored throughout, while magnesium is used to break down the cake and wine you had with dinner. It’s too focused on removing the toxins from your body and doesn’t have anything left to perform it’s other jobs.

This list from Body Ecology shows the roles magnesium play in your health.

►Gives rigidity AND flexibility to your bones
►Increases bioavailability of calcium
►Regulates and normalizes blood pressure
►Prevents and reverses kidney stone formation
►Promotes restful sleep
►Helps prevent congestive heart failure
►Eases muscle cramps and spasms
►Lowers serum cholesterol levels and triglycerides
►Decreases insulin resistance
►Can prevent artherosclerosis and stroke
►End cluster and migraine headaches
►Enhances circulation
►Relieves fibromyalgia and chronic pain
►Treats asthma and emphysema
►Helps make proteins
►Encourages proper elimination
►Prevents osteoporosis

Where to find extra Magnesium

►Foods – Dark leafy greens, chard, spinach and seaweed contain high amounts.

►Epsom Salt Bath – Add 2 cups of epsom salts to your bath and soak for at least 12 minutes up to three times per week. This will also help relieve sore muscles.

Topical Magnesium Oil – Apply this before bed for a restful night’s sleep. Or you can make this nourishing Body Butter recipe from DigPrimal. 

►Magnesium supplements can be tricky for anyone with a compromised digestive system so I’m sticking with the real food and topical treatments for now.

I feel better when I put a stress relief system in place. My pre-holiday gift to myself is a stocked supply of epsom salts and magnesium oil. Goodbye anxiety.


Low dietary intake of magnesium is associated with increased externalising behaviours in adolescents.,

Magnesium deficiency and anxiety-depressive syndrome in elderly patients with chronic heart failure.,

Nutrition status of primary care patients with depression and anxiety.,

Nutritional and herbal supplements for anxiety and anxiety-related disorders: systematic review.,

Association between magnesium intake and depression and anxiety in community-dwelling adults: the Hordaland Health Study.,

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms & Solutions: What You Need to Know About This Widespread but Woefully Underreported Health Issue,


Magnesium, NOT Calcium, Is The Key To Healthy Bones,