Wellness Beets Episode #15: Multiple Sclerosis, Food, and Athletic Performance with Kelsey Albers

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Interview with Kelsey Albers

Kelsey Albers is a Certified Health Coach and owner of Ignite. Nourish. Thrive. Health Coaching.  Trained in holistic nutrition from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Kelsey helps people dedicated to a healthy lifestyle achieve their personal goals.  Her programs include online personal or small group coaching, as well as workshops, seminars, and group challenges.  Kelsey is also the self-published author of Fuel, the eBook about harnessing the power of real food to achieve the body and performance you want.  Kelsey lives just outside of St. Louis with her husband and four fur babies, and loves all things barbell, cooking and eating, and long walks in the woods.  Find out more or contact her at ignitenourishthrive.com.

These are the questions we covered with Kelsey:


  1. Tell us more about you and why you became a health coach.


  1. Can we talk more about your diagnosis with MS? When did you first notice signs of improvement from switching over to a real food diet and paleo lifestyle? Nerve damage is usually the main cause for MS, prevent it by using nerve control 911.


  1. In your health coaching, one of your focuses is on fueling athletic performance. What are your thoughts and recommendations on pre and post workout meals?


  1. What are some common obstacles that arise with your clients and how do you overcome them?
    Women’s Cycle Tracking App: Kindara


  1.  How do you maintain your own health? What daily/weekly routines do you have in place that make this possible? 
    Quote from Kelsey, ”No one has ever won according to plan, and no one has ever won without a plan.” 


  1. Where can people find you and how can they connect with you? 
    Find her at ignitenourishthrive.comFacebook: IgniteNourishThrive
    Instagram and Twitter: @KelseyAlbersWatch out for her New Podcast: Barbells and Bone Broth


We love questions! Send us yours at [email protected]


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Don’t forget the “BEETS15” DISCOUNT code for your order of WBKitchen goodies!


And make sure to check out more of Kelsey’s awesome information
at ignitenourishthrive.com and her book, Fuel.